DuraPanel Metal Panel Fencing
- A durable and cost effective fence for landscape fencing, swimming pool safety and school safety, which complies with the New Zealand fence safety regulations.
- Low maintenance - never need to paint or stain.
- Strong and durable components made from welded aluminium.
- Built to last - you don't need to worry about rot or rust.
- Powder coated black.
DeltaPanel: 2250mm longHeight: 950,1200mm
Post size: 50x50mmFinish: Black
Extra top rail for a design featurePanel length: 2250mm Height: 1200,1500,1800mm Post size: 50x50 65x65Finish: Black
Extra top rail for a design featurePanel length: 2250mm Height: 1200,1500,1800mm Post size: 50x50 65x65Finish: Black
Installed with a flat top look or a rod top lookPanel length: 2250mm longHeight: 1200mm, 1500mm Post size: 50x50 Finish: Black Can be installed with rods facing down also.
Installed with a flat top look or a rod top lookPanel length: 2250mm longHeight: 1200mm, 1500mm Post size: 50x50 Finish: Black Can be installed with rods facing down also.
Panel length: 2250mm longHeight: 1200mmPost size: 50x50Finish: Black
Panel length: 2250mm longHeight: 1200mmPost size: 50x50Finish: Black